Implementation of a new POS

This retail project involved the whole branch net of the instructing company including all its hard- and software. The outdated DOS-based POS should be exchanged by a modern system that corresponds to the state of the art technology. The customer decided on the software Lucas OSM™ based on Microsoft Windows™. In consultation with the customer and the software supplier we defined the specifications of the entire system, selected the appropriate hardware components and conducted the project planning and coordination.

Central data preparation and transformation

The POS consists of the central POS server, that communicates with the different branch server PCs which in turn exchange data with every cash-desk PC. Within one day lots of data are generated which have to be transferred from and to the other affected systems: the ERP and the accounting system. So one important task was to program the different interfaces and to enable the data transfer via the interfaces. For that the data have to be prepared and transformed at first. That means actions like processing SQL queries, filtering and complementing query data, converting data into the XML and the ASCII/CSV format, providing sales data, turnover data and statistical data for the financial controlling as well as other transformation processes.

Single steps of the data preparation and data transformation s. next pages

